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Sangha News

Virtual and "Hybrid" Sangha

On Sunday evenings, we offer Virtual Sangha via Zoom. We start at 6pm, and usually end around 7:30.

We also meet in person occasionally, at St. Luke Church, 10 Bayview Drive, San Rafael. When we meet in person, we also offer Zoom connection, so on those nights you can join us either way!

To connect by zoom, click on this link: .

If you can only join us by telephone, call
1 669 900 6833 (This is a US number)
When prompted, the Meeting ID is 544 649 4268

Hybrid Meeting with J.D. Doyle

On March 16, 2025, we'll be meeting in "hybrid" format! We will offer our usual internet connection, AND we will meet in-person.

Join us in person at St. Luke Church, 10 Bayview Drive, San Rafael. We'll be in the actual church, not in our old space.


Join us via zoom, by clicking on this link: .

If you can only join us by telephone, call
1 669 900 6833 (This is a US number)
When prompted, the Meeting ID is 544 649 4268

Daylong Retreat

Taking the One Seat: Choiceless Awareness & Awakened Awareness Practices

Taught by Heather Sundberg

The teaching and practice of Taking the One Seat, out of the lineage of Ajahn Chah, is a practice of choiceless non-preferential awareness with all experience at the 6 sense doors, which can grow into the recognition of the essence of mind itself, which is empty of self, filled with clarity and awakeness.

Heather will offer teachings and guided meditations on the theme, as well as time for discussion about how to live these teachings in our daily lives.

The practices will emphasize Embodiment, Energy practice, accessing or familiarizing with Pure Awareness, and Wisdom-Based Inquiry. These are practices which have been the core of Heather's teaching activities for over a decade of her quarter century teaching career.

In this daylong we will explore the Taking the One Seat teaching/practice from the following perspectives:

  • Pure Awareness practice through the use of open questions and 5 aggregates investigations, including working with subtle identification with Awareness itself.
  • The interface between Somatic-Body Based practices and Pure Awareness practices, which together offer balance and perspective with the constant grasping and pushing away in the mind.
  • Learning more about the differences between Choiceless Awareness practice and Pure Awareness (MahaSati) practice.
  • Learning to 'hit rewind' with reactive patterns growing from the aggregate of Feeling Tone into liking and disliking.

Saturday, May 3, 2025
10am - 4:30pm
This event will be online, details will be posted soon.

Dana (donation) The Teacher offers the teachings freely in the tradition of the Buddha, and her livelihood is completely sustained by the generosity of the communities she serves. Dana (donation) for these priceless teachings will be gratefully accepted by the teacher, giving participants the opportunity to freely engage in the practice of generosity, the first step toward freedom. For details on offering dana to Heather, please visit

The Sangha Newsletter

Click on the image below
for the latest newsletter:
The newsletter is published quarterly. The latest copy can currently be read at pdf/newsletter.pdf. The newsletter is also available on our Group, where you can find previous issues.

The newsletter committee welcomes submissions. Contact Deborah Temple by email at deborahtemple at rocketmail dot com. All submissions are subject to editing.

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