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About Marin Sangha

Marin Sangha is a 501(3)(c) non-profit corporation fully compliant with federal and state law. All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent permitted by law for a religious organization operating as a church.

Marin Sangha Mission and Vision

Vision Statement

A diverse, mutually supportive lay community dedicated to practicing the Buddha's teachings in daily life, with the aspiration of full awakening.

Mission Statement

In the service of awakening through practice in daily life, Marin Sangha
  • Explores ways to create community through the investigation of Dhamma
  • Offers a variety of teachers, primarily but not exclusively Theravadan
  • Promotes an open, welcoming, and diverse community
  • Provides opportunities for service both to the Sangha and the greater community
  • Promotes spiritual friendship through both Dhamma and social activities
  • Fosters connection within the greater Dhamma community
  • Encourages the deepening of practice through regular meditation, Dhamma study, and residential retreat
The Sangha exists because people come together to explore and practice generosity, ethical conduct, and meditation. We welcome and rely on participation at all levels.

Leadership Sangha

Also known, for legal reasons, as "Officers and Board of Directors". This is a sangha within the Sangha that organizes things, runs the programs, etc. The people below are also regular participants at Marin Sangha, so if you see them, feel free to say hello and let them know of any joys or concerns. We'd love to get more people involved, so if you'd like to join the board or participate in any other way, let us know!

Linda Howerton-Pritchett
Bowman Yager
Bill Coffin
Sherre Yager
Barbara McHugh
Isabel Forter
Mary Paige
Mary Kelly
Veta Jacqulin

© 2013, 2025 Marin Sangha